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This website is a collection of morphospecies of Ecuadorian spiders, collected between 2017-2019 by members of the Aviles Lab at the University of British Columbia. It is intended as a guide to Ecuadorian spiders, or a tool for identifying further morphospecies in the future.

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Orb web builder, no refuge.  Brown bell-shaped cephalothorax with black eyes. Round abdomen with silver stained glass pattern, black border and black rectangle near tip. Legs and palps are brown. Entire underside is black except for two silver dots on underside of ab. IDed as Chrysometa by Dr. DeRoched.

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Sheet-tangle web builder, no refuge. Wedge-shaped brown cepthalthorax, with beige marking over black eyes. Dark brown oval abdomen with white dots. White legs and palps. Entire underside black except two silver racing stripes under abdomen. Chelicerae beige. No hairs or spines. IDed as Dubiaranea by Dr. DeRoched.

Download our Data!

All the specimens included on this website have been logged as occurence data in a Darwin Core Archive. This file can be downloaded and compared with other datasets prepared through the same standard process.

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